Being more "outsidey" in winter changes how you think about clothes.

I love the outdoors. There are so many benefits to being out in the fresh air, in natural light and surrounded by nature. I also appreciate a ramble through the woods isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.  But as we continue to live with Covid-19 and all the restrictions that it puts on our daily lives, I think it’s safe to say even those who don’t consider themselves ‘outdoorsy’ are probably going to find themselves being a bit more ‘outsidey’ this winter.

And you know what? I’m excited about this. 

I’m excited at the prospect of thousands of people heading outside and really having to think about the clothes they are going to wear. This isn’t just because I design technical clothing for a living and like to geek out about layering and performance fabrics...although that obviously helps. It’s about seeing a potential positive shift in mindset.

Just by asking if they will be warm enough, if it is likely to rain, and by thinking about the practical side of their chosen outfit, a person will be taking a step towards a more conscious wardrobe. 

We should all be buying less and buying better, and right now I’m feeling hopeful that this small adjustment in thought process could contribute to a longer term change in attitude. As we are pushed to spend more time outside, regardless of the weather, we are pushed to consider the practicality of our clothing and that, I hope, will filter into our natural thought process when it comes to choosing the clothes we need. 

When considering a new garment maybe the questions we ask will move away from superficial trends and colours and move towards questions about our practical needs. Will that coat actually keep me dry? Does the hood fit? Can I wear it over multiple layers? Is that jumper going to keep me warm without getting all sticky and sweaty? and a personal favourite;  are those pockets actually big enough to put things in?

My point is this. Our clothes should definitely bring us joy, and help us express who we are, and make us feel happy and confident but ultimately they should also work! They should meet our practical needs and keep doing so season on season so they don’t spend a lifetime sitting in the wardrobe unworn, or get thrown out destined for landfill because they just don’t do the job!

Perhaps whilst we are all gathered (in a socially distanced way) around a patio heater this winter we will find an extra reason to be more mindful about the clothing choices we make.