UtiliFolk from Feral Crayon is a range of reworked garments and and new designs all with a functional edge.
Reworked pieces gain extended life and fresh appeal. New designs make use of remnant fabrics and discarded textiles. Each item is made individually so no two pieces are the same.
A selection of Reworks and Designs from Utilifolk by Feral Crayon
For Reworked pieces we take unwanted/discarded garments and tweak them; adding details, changing silhouettes and finishes to broaden appeal and extend life. Base garments are often military pieces, workwear or functional garments for the outdoors . We also take more classic garments and modify them to add extra functional details and versatility.
New garments combine our own purposeful designs with the print and texture of remnant fabrics and discarded textiles.
UtiliFolk has its own Instagram page - please follow for regular updates.
Some UtiliFolk pieces can be found in Make Do And Wonder in Walthamstow.
Online purchases will soon be available via Depop.
If you’re interested in purchasing any UtiliFolk garments please DM via instagram or contact us via beccy@feralcrayon.com